Howdy to all my noble admirers. Sam here, This weekend we went to something called Bark at the Park which was some kind of dog carnival to benefit homeless dogs. It was awesome. Not as much sweet sweet tail as the last party but more fun.
Here is me waiting for the sweet smelling lady to get her face together so we can go. She gets me all excited by telling me we are going somewhere fun and then she takes forever to actually go anywhere.

Then we got there and my homedogs B-trouble and H-bomb were there like... Yo! what took you so long?

We started out the events with a race against the radar gun... I was uninspired to say the least. Even B-trouble outran me. Oh the shame!
I told everyone that I got distracted by some FINE ladies when I was running and that's why I only ran 16mph. B-trouble doesn't think about ladies anymore since the operation so he ran 22mph.

Then we went bobbing for hot dogs. MMMM hot dogs in dirty water DELICIOUS! It's like pig intestine heaven.

We finished up at an agility course. I could really get the hang of this I think.

I'll leave you all until next time with a shot of my booty going down the ramp. I know that is what you all really come here for. I am such a good looking dog!