I've been sick as a dog. Hmmm where does that saying come from you ask? I KNOW, I KNOW!!!! PICK ME !!!! I KNOW THE ANSWER, PICK ME PICK ME!!!!
I vomited 8 times on Thursday. spent 3 hours in the vet on Friday and found out I have a parasite from eating stuff off the ground! That's where it comes from. Dogs get sick and man do they mean it. You humans have it easy one or two little vomits and you think your dying! I lost 1/6 of my body weight (3lbs) in two days. That's like if the mountain man was to lose a gazillion pounds and suddenly look like this.

or this...

(extraneous picture of mullet included to please maynard the mullet lover.)
I'm getting better now though. I will spare you the horrible details but lets just say I was able to drop the kids off at the pool today for the first time in a while. EVERYBODY CHEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The beard also tells me that some of you out there feel like this blog has taken a strange turn lately. I suppose it has with all the odd medical stuff going on and the whole backyard hunt going on (we got it btw) Rest assured as soon as things mellow out the beard will resume taking cute photos and I will resume making sharp witty beard bashing comments, filled with all the vim and vigor of old. pointed barbs of pants peeing precision! That could be a nursey rhyme. POINTED BARBS OF PANTS PEEING PRECISION! TATA for now.