A little talky talky then some pics. We've had lots of visitors lately. The beards parents came into town and that was fun, they seemed to be ok with our presence as long as we weren't passing gas in their general direction. We went to visit b+h last weekend and run crazy all over their house while the beard and the sweet smelling lady played wii fit. We even had them over a little while ago to stay for a sleepover.
As soon as H-Bomb arrived she wanted to leave...

B-trouble didn't mind staying here and I think he actually had a really good time.

Needless to say we were all tired after they left. I have found a new sleeping spot where nobody can get to me... The beard came in here to try and take a picture of me sleeping under the bed but I caught him in the act and snuck out before he could get the shot that way nobody will know that my new secret sleeping spot is under the guest bed.
ohhhh wait.... how do you go backwards on this thing??

Now for the obligatory post of popo. I don't want to keep posting these scared looking shots but that is how he looks every time the beard pulls out the flashy box. He's really not this much of a namby pamby.

Till next time remember that it is always best when packing a lunch to separate the dry from the wet ingredients for your sandwich until you are ready to eat!