It's been a while I suppose but we've been up to so much we really haven't had time to post to this here internets.
Round abouts Christmas we headed out for the spoil me rottens house. I like visiting there a whole lot and popo is realy learning to like it. They are super duper nice and they like taking us for long walks on the beach feeding us chicken, and snuggling by the fireplace light... If I were going to take out a doggy personal add it would read something like that, but it would include something about being a super hotty too. Anyways, we arrived there and as usual we were greeted warmly and treated wonderfully.
The next morning the rents set out for the dreaded airport where trouble is bound to ensue and mayhem will certainly break out. According to the beard there was mass confusion and hysteria. Brendan Frazier was spotted and yelled at for making such terrible films.

Then after hours of arguing and the sweet smelling lady apparently crying in public (If I had been there I would've bitten the ankles of who ever did that to her. She's too super for people to be so mean to her and make her cry. I would've torn those airline people to tiny little bits and fed them to my buddies for breakfast lunch and dinner.(That was an extremely long aside, we now return you to the previously started sentence which began with "Then after hours of arguing and the sweet smelling lady apparently crying in public")) the rents finally found their way to the gate where another celebrity was spotted. This one much cooler though, it was Kevin Arnolds dad from the wonder years.

Eventually the rents made their way to Virginia where they bowled terribly ate a ton of good food and received gifts while hanging out with family.
The beard did his usual wandering self thing and ended up taking some pictures of the really wonderful weather that they were having.
The rents also ended up making it out to Monitcello, where Thomas Jefferson lived and died. It was a little chillier there and the beard did some weird stuff with the camera there too. (If you want straight forward vacation pictures then don't give the camera to that guy it turns out. Just ask the sweet smelling lady)
I realize that tree picture is sideways but I just wanted to point out that Thomas Jefferson apparently found a way to give skin cancer to trees and somehow create the ugliest tree anyone has ever seen. I challenge everyone out there to find a grosser looking tree.
So, the rents had a great time in VA and eventually made their way home to find Popo sitting by the fireplace.
Finally after a large expense on a leaking automobile that was discovered upon waking up the next morning, the rents managed to get us home. It was all fun and good we had a great time with the spoil me rottens and aunt Cori. The rents say they had a great time with the Beards half of the fam. The rents also went to see the rose bowl floats which will be posted soon so keep your eye out for more strange and totally impersonal photographs by the beard.