We had Aiden. He's 3 weeks old now. Z is somewhere around 16 months we do stuff, we take pictures. Here. Eat up.
A had his first real bath since his cord finally fell off.
He really liked it. He was also snipped (if you know what I mean) he made the same face both times.
Here are some other random shot of him. One with Grandma C and one with Grandpa G.
We took this shot of Z when she was little and decided to do the same thing for A.
A in his halloween hat.
A in his baby fight club. We like to ge them started at social gatherings early. Notice the flying fists technique.
Zoey refuses fancy bows and headbands and clips and such so we were forced to cut her bangs.
I'm sure this appalls my dear younger sister. But she looks better when it dries.
Then we went to a sweet pumpkin patch in Saugus with Grandma C who is in town helping us out this week.

See if you can spot the Z.
So. That happened. This has been arduous don't expect more for a while.