Lately Z's favorite thing to do is climb all over stuff. She's into everything and everywhere.
Exhibit A:


Scared you didn't I? No?

No Wah?

Ohhh what's that? I'll take it thank you...

She's also started going through her drawers and carrying around clothes.
Caught like a thief in the night.

We went to the zoo over Memorial Day weekend. It was crowded and hot.
Z touch a goat with the help of Spoilette.

With the help of Mr Spoil Z saw pig like creatures and gorillas.

With the help of Auntie Spoil Z, Z made it back to the car after a long hot fun day of gazing.

From my perspective (Sam) the beard grilled up some amazing Tri-tip and today is grilling up Italian sausages. Memorial day weekend is super.
Till next time
Keep your grill HOT, CLEAN and well OILED.