This weekend we went to a "family farm". This means they charge you to get in, have animals you can pay to feed, and have tractor rides etc. You can also pick your own fruit and veggies. A strange concept since they sell those same fruits and veggies in their fruit stand up front. I guess some folks are looking for that sharecropper experience with dinner? Any who. Z had a good time and it was nice to get out of the smoke filled AV.
She saw animals up close and personal. In the peacock case (not shown) too personal since it screamed at her and she cried making me look like a terrible father to all of the mothers who immediately turn whenever a child cries and due to their own terrible husbands assume that I must also be terrible.

She liked the animals that didn't yell at her.
They also had contraptions for the kids to play on. Here Z contemplates whether or not she can make it.

Gotta start somewhere.

Then we set out to see if we wanted to pick our own fruit. They claimed to have Raspberries, Blackberries, and GASP! Boysenberries all the way at the back of the farm.
This is how Z got there.

Here is her mule.

We got all the way out there only to discover that the berries weren't very plentiful and that they were either not yet ripe (boysenberries) or over ripe (blackberries). So we walked all the way back and left empty handed.
In other news the summer is upon us out in the desert so Z sports her shades frequently and acts like lilo running from the paparazzo.

We water the plants in the evening and frequently Z ends up getting watered too.

That is all for now.