We set out a long time ago on an airplane trip to Virginia for Christmas. The first leg of the flight went well, kids were good, things were good. Arrived in Dulles to see that our next flight was delayed 5 hours. We asked for them to pull our car seats and grandpa drove all the way out to pick us up. We ended up making it back to E'ville way before the flight would have even landed in Shenandoah.
T and Z passed the time conversing about arts and culture. |
"A" spent the time smelling homeless people. |
The next day (or 2??) it's hard to remember these things now. We went to bodo's, played games with cousins, the snow fell, the kids went out into it, we decorated the tree and we had a grand time with the family.
Uncle Dan made balloon toys, a move I think he regretted. |
Nudists painted ornaments. |
T enjoyed some baby time. |
Kids played. |
"A" isn't much for the outdoors. He's there somewhere.... |
Maybe a reason for that is I sent him out barefoot in the snow. |
Trying to catch flakes. |
The tree was decorated and the grandkids were given the first gifts.
Anxiously awaiting gifts. |
Removing packaging!!! |
Modeling the sweet new Pjs. |
Two different reactions. |
Matching cousins. |
The next day was christmas morning. We woke up and snuck the kids upstairs to participate in the usual traditions of coming down the stairs to see what Santa brought. For that please see previous post.
The kids are restless. |
So is Dan. |
Prior to the destruction. |
"A" found a fireman costume complete with a megaphone that never stops making siren noises (wooh!) |
Cheney men love the toothbrush. |
Already stealing Zs stuff. |
Zs reaction to mama taking out the dress. |
Pretty princess. |
Mine is like yours! |
We went upstairs for chunky and the cereal christmas tree.
More snow! |
Back downstairs for more presents.
After the destruction. |
The rest of the trip gets a bit fuzzier. There were walks, trips to bodos, the downtown mall, the bounce house and more fun with cousins.
Kirk and Dan built a shelter for drifters in the woods behind the house. We went to explore it.
We went walking.
EnGARDE!!! |
GOTCHA!!!! |
The light was really nice on one of these walks so we attempted a portrait.
The bounce house.
T helps A get the feel and then... |
He ended up doing it. |
Then off to Bodos.
Hungry for bagel sandwiches!! |
HURRY!!! |
A C'ville landmark. |
Kids Having fun at the downtown mall. |
Eventually we had to leave Virginia. The time there was great. The flight home was smooth. A bit long and the kids were a bit worse but overall quite good. When we got home from the airport there were even more presents and a different tree.
What an amazing Christmas. We had a chance to see just about every single member of our family.
This was a monster post. I won't blame you if you didn't take it all in. I don't know if I'd want to and they're my kids.