Shortly upon returning from North Carolina we set out to Oregon. We had rented a cabin in the O'dell lake/ Crescent Lake area of Oregon on the slightly Eastern side of the Cascades. We drove up there in a caravan with Grandpa Grover and stayed the first night in Sacramento. The Arrived the next day in Oregon. It was my first time in Oregon so I was able to check another state off the list. The cabin was "rustic" but we all had a comfortable place to sleep and the setting was spectacular. There was a creek running right through the backyard for the kids to play in and no civilization in sight. The first day as usual was filled with grocery store trips and getting set up.
Even the rest stops in Oregon were pretty. |
Cabin from the creek. |
Day 2 we set out to explore the area. We first checked out Salt Creek Falls the 2nd tallest falls in Oregon. It was Beautiful. Oregon is so green but with mountains peaks and beautiful tall trees.
Then we made our way to O'dell Lake. The lake just north of our cabin. It's a bit hard to tell because I didn't have my telephoto but there were 2 bald eagles fighting over food or territory or something with a couple other local raptors. The lake was big and breezy but beautiful.
We also went to Crescent Lake which was much warmer so the kids played along the shore.
The next day Grandma Grover was able to join us so while grandpa Grover went to pick her up in Eugene we went north to check out Bend and Lava Tube National monument. A mile long Lava Tube Cave that you had to rent lanterns/ flashlights to walk through.
The hole. |
Aiden and Teresa Excited to explore. |
Batman entering a cave. |
Zoey not quite as excited. In fact quite nervous about the whole thing. |
Including this just b/c I like it. |
It was super dark down there and really neat. Lots of stuff there that isn't in a normal cave. Plus this wasn't lit and guided. It was just you, everyone else, and lanterns.
The following day we all went to Crater Lake National Park. The park was really beautiful and the scenery was amazing but it is set up more as a viewpoint park. You drive around and look. Rather than get out and do stuff. SO while super pretty it felt a bit shallow.
Obligatory entrance sign shot. |
First Look. SOOO BLUE. |
Expect this in next years Cheney calendar. |
Water was so blue you could set up illusory type shots. Looks like a sky shot until you notice the boat. |
Me and everyone else. |
The last day started out with me going for a hike to Yoran Lake. It was incredibly pretty. Oregon really is quite beautiful but the mosquitoes were so thick I could not stop walking at a really quick pace or they would eat me alive. Luckily, I don't react badly to bites because I'm sure I had tons of them from taking these photographs.
Since I hiked so fast I was home in time to join the other activities of the day, we went back to Oakridge and checked out the Willamette fish hatchery.
An ENORMOUS sturgeon. |
Oarkridge also has the longest covered bridge in Oregon.
The last night we made a big fire and ate s'mores and ice cream cones a plenty.
The trip was super fun. We drove home all in one long 14 hour day so that I could pack and get ready for my Sierra adventure. Which is the next post to come...
til then-