Zoey got an award for being Student of the Month. (2nd Grade..Mrs. Oh's class)

Easter fun at home. We wanted to get a video because we realized we NEVER take videos of the kids now that they are older.
Mother's Day happened in May. Aiden and I went to the Mother/Son dance at school.
Zoey turned 8 on June 4. She wanted to take a friend to the local trampoline park for her birthday so we spent her day there and then out to lunch afterwards at Wendy's. She asked for a doll from us and gift cards to Target and Payless from the grandparents. She is reaching that phase.....ugh!
School also ended in June. Both kids got straight A's and Excellent behavior marks on their report cards. They both got a wealth of awards for their efforts. We are so proud of their hard work!!
Zoey had decided to be "Miss Cool" at her assembly and wear her shades. Ryan got her to take them off for the picture. |
Ryan took a picture of this from the cafeteria wall. His mohawk was off the rails that day!
First day and Last day of school pictures : Kinder / 2nd Grade (2017-2018)

Teresa found our that she got a transfer to another school that she wanted. Ryan is watching the weather reports and trail blogs to see if he will be able to hike the John Muir Trail in July. Summer trips coming soon......