So we went to this big party thingy after spending forever in the car. I hate the car. I hate the 405 bumpy stinking road, but we made it and man it was crazy. People and bostons everywhere. p.s. for those of you who don't pick up on things so quick you can click on the images to see me in larger beauty.
Check out the girl that looked like Harry Potter! And what are these dogs wearing? Halloween isn't for another month pups, get it together. PUT ME DOWN MOUNTAIN MAN THERE ARE LADIES HERE!!!!!
Then it started to rain and all the sissy dogs went and put on their jackets. Sheesh so California, it rains for 5 minutes and everybody runs and hides. I call them rain coat pansies. They're never going to hook the ladies if they keep acting like that.
Speaking of never hooking the ladies... check out this old lady. Retired from postal work 50 years ago, just happy to be here... you ain't gonna impress anybody just laying around grams.
Speaking of fly honey's check these ladies out. Would you look at the legs on this one???? wowza!!!
And I love a girl who can accessorize.
unfortunately with all the fly honey's around the spoil me rottens wanted some attention. ohhhhh and that's the sweet smelling lady on the right. I think they are all related or something...
Then my wingpups showed up... Introducing H-Bomb (left)and B-Trouble (right)!
H-bomb likes to get dirty... Go dirty girl! GRRRRRRRR!
We are thinking about starting an all Boston Hip Hop crew... any ideas for group names? We have the image and the attitude already... That's me in the back. H-Bomb on the left, and B-Trouble on the right.
oh yeah and we made it to the beach too! That part was Awesome! I went the furthest out in the water but the beard forgot the camera in the car so this is the only proof I have of my sandy samventure.
Lastly I just wanted to give a shout out to my main man B-Trouble (below), let's just say he's half the man he used to be so he's in need of some love! HAHAHA!!!! (the beard says that's not funny and my time is coming, They'll never catch me bwahahahaah!)