Here's me looking like a superhero... step off underdog there's a new sheriff in town.
A close up of my good side but the bearded one messed up the shot so you can't see my stunning features.
Then he put me on this nasty couch and told me to sit. Are you kidding you wouldn't sit on this, why would I? This thing smells and looks terrible. (but I look good)
I don't know what the heck this is. The beard calls it Sam goes nuclear. I guess we are in the desert.
So chill till the next episode people. The beard said something about me hanging out with all the pretty ladies this weekend... he better not be lying or I'll bite his ankles and steal his bacon.
I like your picture on the couch. Am I supposed to gear my comments as if I were speaking to Sam? I don't know. If I am, Sam, I like the picture of you on the couch.
Thanks, stranger.
Hello. I enjoyed your catalog of adventures.
Warm Regards,
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