So the bearded man tells me that when he was with you all for Christmas far off in the east, there was a little bet going about when gasoline would hit $2.50 again. He, being the eternal realist that he is stated that it would be there before the end of summer to which many of you in your myopic optimism guffawed a hearty guffaw. Turns out the BEARD WAS RIGHT, and I have the proof to back him up! (incidentally I always have his back since he always has mine)
So there it is. $2.509 for 87 unleaded. Consider him Nostradamos, the great sage (he already has the beard for it) and heed his warnings for henceforth!
Hey Peeps, We had a bunch of people over last Saturday to celebrate momma's impending belly pop. They came bearing gifts and good tidings. We chatted, built an alphabet book, opened gifts (none of which were for me), grilled burgers and wieners (some of which was for me), and generally had a good time. But first the really important stuff... IS THIS THE UGLIEST DUCK YOU'VE EVER SEEN????
Now for a picture overload. We got lots of good stuff for Zoey. Much thanks to everyone!
Overall a heck of a time for everyone.... except popo who as you can see is was terrified. Surprise.
Till next time don't be a scaredy cat like popo, be a MAN LIKE SAM!
Hey everybody, As Dan correctly deduced because I assume he is correctly skeptical of all things photographic and all things in general, that last image was a bit of a joke. I even tried to fudge the photoshop job a bit to make it easier. You all managed to take it very well and respond as you were expected to despite the fact that when you first looked at the picture you either a) Thought about Kate from John and Kate plus 8 or b) thought !!!! Holy Cow that baby must be 30 lbs!!!!! Teresa was somewhat mortified by that last post so I will now include the shot untouched and completely un-altered.