So the bearded man tells me that when he was with you all for Christmas far off in the east, there was a little bet going about when gasoline would hit $2.50 again. He, being the eternal realist that he is stated that it would be there before the end of summer to which many of you in your myopic optimism guffawed a hearty guffaw. Turns out the BEARD WAS RIGHT, and I have the proof to back him up! (incidentally I always have his back since he always has mine)

So there it is. $2.509 for 87 unleaded. Consider him Nostradamos, the great sage (he already has the beard for it) and heed his warnings for henceforth!
It's about 2.25 around these parts. i swear i have an outfit for zoey, i just have yet to send it. it will be there when she comes out at least!
Well done, well done. I knew she was a girl at least. And I'm going to be right about the rest so just you wait!
By the way, does Kirk have the paper with all of our guesses?
On that same paper, didn't we guess the sex of the baby, the weight, and the day that the baby would be born?
Mom has the paper at home.
I shall transcribe the paper precisely and put your boasting quickly to rest:
"Cheney Family Prediction Contest, Convened Dec. 26, 2008.
Next time gas prices at Sam's Club in C'ville will exceed $3:
Kristen: 8/10
Dan: 5/10
Craig: 6/12/11
Kirk: 8/10
Candice: 7/09
Teresa: 11/09
Ryan: 8/09
Mom: 12/09
Gretchen: 7/10"
Nevertheless, reading the economic signals, you might win yet.
Gretchen wants Zoey pics.
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