Beard here. Things in the desert have been interesting lately. I started working with 18 year old kids again. Somehow I keep getting older and they stay the same age. Somehow my jokes keep getting more dated. I think soon I might be forced to play the " back in my day, snow, uphill, deer, vampires, beef sandwich made with sand" card. You know the one.
In other news Z is getting bigger and louder.

We've all been getting along as best we can. There's been a fire up in yonder hills. One morning it almost kept me from getting to work. We drove up there, put ourselves in harms way, risked our lives and lungs, and took some pictures.
That's a lake in the front. It looks like it's filled with blood.

Needless to say we all made it out unscathed. Unsinged even. It has occasionally been raining ash and we couldn't open our windows for a couple days. It seems to be subsiding now.
till next time-
don't play with matches
Z is adorable. Those are cool pictures of the red sky/water. CA burns every year it seems.
ew I remember California burning when we lived there and it raining ash. cool pictures though! zoey is getting big!
Z was already pretty loud. So I bet she can really belt it now.
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