But first a verbal update courtesy of your gracious doggy host. The beard is 30. I went to bark in the park. Z is getting more fun. She likes me. I lick her hands. She likes that. The "spoil me rottens" come over often and I like that. They are fun. Z eats rice cereal now. I can't wait till she eats (and drops) real food. Now for the pictures.
Yes, very messy. Surprisingly though she loved the rice cereal! Some days it goes down better than others, but in general she seems happy to eat it. It's the cleaning her up afterward that she hates:)
Is that a "spud" cake under your 30 candles? I've heard of spudnuts, but not spudcake.
I like how you're closing your eyes in your special birthday picture!
That last pic of zoey is so cute. I love how big her pretty eyes are.
Zoey is getting CUTER all the time!
Love the pictures. Such a happy family. How did Zoey do with the rice cereal? Messy isn't it?
Yes, very messy. Surprisingly though she loved the rice cereal! Some days it goes down better than others, but in general she seems happy to eat it. It's the cleaning her up afterward that she hates:)
such big blue eyes
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