Hey there! It's only my 2nd time writing a post so bear with me. Christmas this year was excellent since we had Zoey to share it with. Zoey and I spent a week down at my parent's house. Ryan had to leave to go to his grandmother's funeral, so we spent a few extra days in Dana Point. Grandma and Grandpa Grover got a great deal on a high chair for Zoey to use off of Craig's List. As you can see, she is really enjoying it.

Zoey got a lot of great gifts. She received many new books (she loves to be read to), some really cute outfits, 2 cell phone toys (she is fascinated by mine), and an awesome jumper from Grandma and Grandpa Cheney. Here she is with her loot.

Here is Zoey with her Aunt Cori on Christmas morning.

On Christmas night my family has started a new tradition of going out to eat at a Chinese or Japanese restaurant. I don't know exactly how it started (I think it might be reminiscent of "A Christmas Story" but my mom claims that's not it)....but anyhow for a few years now we go out on Christmas night. This year we went to Yamato's where they cook in front of you. Zoey has figured out how to close her eyes for the flash, so the pics aren't great...but enjoy anyway!

BTW- check out Zoey's too cute Christmas dress courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa Cheney!
Now for some of the Christmas photos we took. We priced out going to a studio and decided that Ryan could do a better job!

That's all for now! Have a great 2010!!!!