Sam here. Zoey is getting a bit more mobile. She still doesn't really crawl but if you give her some motivation she'll start rolling and squirming your way. Here I am deftly avoiding her grabby hands.

She has also started really enjoying reading a couple of books before bedtime. She turns the pages all by herself.

Lastly for now she has managed to break in a couple of teeth. The mountain man tried hard to get a picture of said teeth but she wasn't feeling too cooperative. Here is the best he could do.

Notice the blurry whiteness on the lower jaw. She bites mighty hard with those 2 teeth.
Till next time keep dry and warm.
She seems to always be smiling and happy! What a cutie.
Oh my gosh!!!! CUTEST FACE EVER! Love her squinty eyes and pink cheeks. What a cutie!
Zoey is SO cute. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I wish we could see her again.
It crazy how much power they have in those little jaws.
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