So this week has been a disaster. T woke up with a strange red mark on her leg and went to the doctor. Turns out it is A-typical ringworm. We have no idea where she got it from. We checked the dogs and found a red mark on Popo's leg. We took him into the vet and the vet said it's not ringworm but we can charge you $300 to find out what it is! We declined his offer and asked for a simple skin cream (still $60). Upon returning home we went to a pet store to purchase an E collar for popo since he is a notorious licker and the cream isn't good for him to ingest. We put on the E-collar and Z proceeded to torture him.

Popo was shaking and freaking out so we tried to give him some alone time to work out his issues with the collar.

He just stood there and shook for 10 minutes. Since that wasn't working we thought we'll just put the stuff on and leave the collar on until the stuff dries. A "lets get this over with" approach. T picked him up and he FLIPPED OUT. We put the cream on and put him down only to find blood drops all over the floor, and T's arm. T looked herself over and it wasn't her. We took a second to look over popo and discovered he had ripped out a dewclaw. (picture for those of you who may not know what that is.)

This is the actual separated dewclaw from popo.

We tried to stop the bleeding but it wouldn't stop. So we took him to the vet as quickly as we could and the vet ended up cauterizing it on the spot. Now popo looks like this.

Needless to say it has been an eventful Saturday to cap off an eventful (read hot, sticky, awful) week. It was 105 and humid on Thursday which isn't that big a deal but the power kept going out and Z didn't take a nap that day so the house was 87 and sticky and she cried for hours straight.
This ends the post.
I'm going to bed.
that's sad. sorry about your bad week. it's been hot as a mug here, too! that claw kind of grossed me out. i don't blame Z for not sleeping...sleeping in heat with no air circulation--woof.
That does sound terrible! Popo sounds like an interesting dog. When we were in Minnesota, it was around 80 or so at night (I can't imagine 87!) and Dan's aunt didn't have a/c so I totally know what you went through! The last night we were there, I had to go to a hotel. It was just too hot.
Here's hoping your power stays on.
what does, "Popo sounds like an interesting dog." mean? Is that Kristen sarcasm?
Sorry about your terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. Hopefully things will improve this week!
I wonder what the purpose of those back claws is, evolutionarily speaking.
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