So as I mentioned last post my computer has been down. I've fixed it and reinstalled everything myself. Taking weeks and saving$$$$$. The end result has been a few catch up posts. Here is the big one. Two weeks ago Z fell on her face on the concrete and busted up her lip and nose. I was in the SFV (at the mac store getting nothing done. worthless) and got a bunch of frantic phone calls. By the time I made it home T had been to the Urgent care and back (traffic). This is the morning after.

No stitches, no broken teeth or bones. Just a huge fat lip, a sore kid, and a sad momma. She's fine now, theres a little tiny bit left on her chin but i'm pretty sure it'll go away.
A is still army crawling. I think he's so good at it that he won't really crawl for a while. In fact he's starting to try and pull himself up a bit so maybe he'll never really get the crawling thing. Here he is looking happy with his sister chillin.

This weekend the world didn't end. Our kids both have fevers and won't take naps, and we're sitting here. Not doing anything of note.
Now that I'm a Featherette instead of a diva I'm the first to comment on everyone's blog! Poor, sweet Z. OUCH! Glad she's recovering well but sorry A and Z have fevers. Can't believe Z is almost 2 and A is Army crawling. We need to see them (and R&T) again soon.
her roughed up face is sad! when you said this was a big catch up post i was expecting the pictures you providedx100. cute kids.
Ooops! I guess Dad was logged in when I commented.
I meant big like big news, not big like quantity.
Poor little Z! Glad she didn't need stitches.
I always feel like people think I'm the worst mom when things like that happen. Accidents happen!
And I am so impressed with Aiden.
And I think it's really funny that Mom wrote about being a featherette and diva when she was signed into Dad's account.
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