Z has been super sick. This post will contain "A" only because any pictures or stories about Z would entail large amounts of neon vomit and watery poop. Those stories are best left untold and the scenes are best left unseen. Just ask the people trying to walk into the supermarket, or the guy behind us on the 405, or the backseat of Teresa's car, or my carpet, or my nasal passages.
Any who, here is what "A" is up to. We're thinking about sending him to teach at the catalogue modeling school.
Sexy pose 2.

Here is his JC Penny catalogue look.

And here is something else, this time he's going for intrigue.

Lastly he's really getting around lately. He moves well on his feet as long as he's holding on to something. We decided to give his something that rolls and walla~!
ps only kidding about the 405, not about the rest of it.
I feel like your poor kids are sick all the time! throw up is disgusting. I'm dreading that.
well lets hope you never have to deal with it but I bet you do.
The roller device works every time!
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