We're still truckin'.
T is back at work. I am back at work. The kids are mostly happy, Z is 2. We spend most of our day trying to clean up after them. They enjoy messes.

This week we had an insane thunderstorm, the wrath and fury of which cannot be captured on video. As proof I offer this:
The winds were 60MPH, the lightning was crazy, the street turned to a rushing flood of debris and dust. It was trash day. Here is the result.

That tiny blue speck is my trash can as seen from my driveway. Weird that it was still standing. When it rains like that everything here turns into huge puddles.

Now for the best news! Football (the real kind) is back! Here are the kids rocking their team spirit.


That's all folks.
It looks like dinnertime is FUN at your house! Z has such pretty, shiny hair. The Raiders should have a winning season with such loyal fans cheering for them.
I wish we would get some rain here! I've just given up cleaning up after the kids. Unless it's the kitchen and unless we're expecting company...
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