On their whirlwind grandkid tour the padres pulled into Lancaster last weekend just in time for Easter. We were really happy to have them. On saturday morning we treated them to the best easter egg melee that our town hosts. We snuck Z into the 2 year old group because waiting is for suckers.
Waiting for the starting bell. |
Note the sheer nasty flesh and ruthless mob of thoughtless "afflicted"
"metal Mulisha" types ransacking the field to teach their 2 year olds that this is American grab everything you can!
After the hunt the eggs are all returned to a central location and prizes are given to everyone who participates like commies.
blowing his easter whistle |
waiting to give back his spoils |
Fun had by all. |
The kids couldn't wait to show the padres their new toys.
A explains his melee strategy. |
From there we went to Palmdale and the "blackbird" air park. They have a bunch of old jets and two SR-71 Blackbirds there on display.
Since is was a saturday the gift shop/ museum was open. One of the guys who actually flew the blackbird was in there telling stories. I think Dad was in heaven. It was a lovely day so grandma and I took the kids outside so they would stop trying to break priceless military artifacts.
It was a bit windy so pinwheel games went over well. |
A boy who likes rocks in a field of rocks. |
The next day was Easter. We went for a walk at a local park and fed the ducks.
It was a bit chilly so we came home and had an actual Easter egg hunt with actual candy in the eggs.
The we brought out the worlds most amazing bubbles. The solution was really good and since it was so windy you didn't ven have to blow. They just leapt from the wand and floated 100's of feet through the air.
We ate a really delicious Easter dinner and some ice cream then said goodbye to the padres who were heading out to UT and then on to visit Omaha.
It was really great having them come out. We all really enjoyed spending time with them.
What a wonderful weekend we spent with ya'll! Thanks for the great hospitality--fun, food, games, and visiting. xoxo to all.
We sure enjoyed being with you folks.
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