Wednesday, August 28, 2013


   In case you aren't in the know we got ourselves a new puppy.  We had been trolling the shelter for a little while looking for a puppy that would turn into a bit larger and more outdoorsy dog than Sam. We had tried on a couple but they were already spoken for. On Sunday afternoon we found this little guy. The shelter had him listed at 3 months old Shepherd/ Collie mix. I think it's more of a shepherd/ lab mix. He's already 20lbs and his feet are HUGE which means he'll probably get pretty big.

    The kids are mostly happy to have him around though A hasn't quite figured out yet that he's the boss and shouldn't take any abuse. Z is having a great time being a new doggy trainer and helper. They played outside with him all evening yesterday and all morning today. We can't take him anywhere yet b/c of the way LA county shelters work. When you want a puppy they set up a spay/ neuter appointment for it and then you pick it up the day of the surgery. (which is kind of awful) He had surgery/ met new fam/ rode in car/ met new dog/ saw new house. All in one day. It also means he has to wear the cone of shame which intimidates Sam quite a bit. Anywho enough rambling some pics.

That's all for now. Ta ta.



Unknown said...

Sam looks like he thinks he's being upstaged. His alpha male needs to assert itself.

Kristen said...

Cool. He does look like he'll get pretty big! Congrats on the new dog.

Fabulous Featherette said...

We'll get to meet him soon!

Gretchen said...

Seems like a fine little chap.


Gretchen said...

Seems like a fine little chap.


SAM!!! said...

Seems like a fine little chap.
