Popo thought that was a pretty boring idea.

The beard asked if we could shoot in my bedroom. There is this extra room that the rents have no idea what to do with and it gets nice sunny sun in the afternoon so I go in there to chill and take a break. Here are some of the results...
This is my contemplative weight of the world on my shoulders shot... Think about that moment in the movie when the hero has to make the big choice that will change everything... should I roll over or not? should I go bug popo or not? the important stuff....

This is my headshot for all of the commercials that I am gonna star in if I can ever get the beard off his behind and away from housework...

this is my super hot sleeping shot. I think I'll start off in petco commercials then work my way up to a sitcom or something.... lassie couldn't do anything I can't. Sarcasm is hot!

I told the beard that being in a dog food commercial would be a rad job. All that tasty food. I made him take a picture I call "Lipsmacking good!"

Uhh yeah popo says that is scary!!!!!

Popo said photo shoots are for pansy boys... I told him he better watch his back with talk like that I've still got a couple pounds on him (not as much as you might think but still.)
Like pansy he ran to the beard to save him... all the beard did was take his picture.

Apparently we are going camping next week up in mammoth so we'll bring back lots of pictures for your enjoyment until then stay classy!