this is the new closet organizer that the beard installed (he no longer has a beard or any hair at all for that matter since he works so darned much he said it gets hot under all that hair!)

here is the living room. You can clearly see the new curtains that the beard and the grandpa hung. Also evident is one of the sets of blinds that they hung. (The sweet smelling lady hates that chandelier!)

That's it for now. The rest of the place needs more work... hopefully things will look spiffier soon.
Stay cool!
I can't wait til I can decorate a house. Right now our walls are made of cinderblock, so that makes for some interesting issues! Speaking of no furniture, All we own is a table and chairs, a book case, and an air matress. We are renting our couch. We have a lot of acquiring to do before we buy a house. It looks good so far!!! Hang some of your pictures up on the wall!
Cool! How exciting. Congratulations!
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