The house is so full of boxes that it has officially put an end to my daily ritual of outrunning popo in the BT 500. I tried once and I ran headfirst into boxes about midway through. So being the smart pup I am I quit. That means that I am not getting the proper amount of Sam exercise and that my gluts are getting out of control. I can't have that. Nobody wants to see flabby sam gluts. Am I spelling gluts right? I know gluts is an abbreviation but stupid blogspot doesn't seem to know it.... grrrr. Blog spot doesn't even know that blogspot is spelled blogspot. Can this thing do umlauts? That would sort of at least help you figure out what I am trying to say. GRRRRRRR!!!!. But!, I digress. To alleviate my energy the mountain man and sweet smelling lady took us to the park. I thought I would share a couple pictures for your viewing pleasure.
We all hopped in the car, started her up and got going. I know immediately that we are going to the park depending on the time of day that they put me in the backseat. Well, I looked around to see the sights and realized that Mia had magically vanished. Where could she have gone? Does she know some sort of secret escape route? No it turns out that she just likes to see and be seen like a nutjob.

We arrived at the park and I took up my usual observation post under a safe spot where I can check out the visuals while the big dogs can't sneak up on me. It's important to figure out who you are going to play with before you engage cause man some people bring the grumpiest dogs to this place. The mountain man is pretty good about keeping them away though. He's sort of like a dog whisperer or something. Well anyways, I scouted out the scene.

I figured out that there was a sweet Jack Russell lady strutting around that I would get along with so I called popo to the location.

We played like wild dogs. I run you chase then you run I chase and popo just tries to catch us on his tiny un-coordinated legs. The sun was shining the world was good the birds were singing everything was happy happy joy joy and bacon. Eventually popo figured out that he couldn't keep up and he went to the mountain man to complain.

Little brothers can be such a pain. If they can't have fun they want to ruin it for everyone.
So I bid adieu in the four languages I know to the Jack Russell lady and we headed out. All in all not too bad but if this doesn't happen again sometime soon I am going to start tearing into all those boxes the mountain man keeps filling with our stuff. I need room!
Peace and cinnamon rolls people!,
(I also understand that I am no longer the only Sam out there now. So to the other one.. you've got a big name to live up to little man. Always remember to rock!)
word on the street is that you move in this week! congrats!
Yea Sam, let us know how the move goes through and all. You'll love your new digs.
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