The C side Grandparents came into town last weekend. The weather was really really nice so we went to the park a lot. Z likes to be her own woman as you can tell from these photos. She doesn't like being carried, strollered (??), or hurried so we all just walk around at her pace and try to keep her from picking up goose poop.

On Saturday night we went over to Bry and Lisa's for Tri-tip 4 ways. Seriously, he made 4 tri-tips all with different seasonings. It was delicious. Z got to hang out with her second cousins (?) and everyone got to meet "A". "A" let them all know where he stands by immediately peeing all over Bry and the hardwood floor upon arrival. Z doesn't get to hang out with many kids so it was good for her and she made herself at home.

A few random shots. (edited at the request of models)

Lastly, today is basically EF1 force winds outside all day. Our house is still standing but the birds are all messed up and just walking around rather than hitting the skies. This guy(?) walked into my front yard. I thought "camera, or gun and dinner?" I went with the camera.

Till next time watch out for flying houses.
Looks like fun! I would LOVE some tri-tip! Texas BBQ just doesn't hold a candle...
And that bird is pretty cool! Do you own a gun?
dogs can shoot guns? I'm excited for mom and dad to visit us over in these parts. i love how zoey is just leaning on Lauren like they're already bffs.
JEALOUS! Wish we lived closer to all of you. :)
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