Spring has sprung in CA. I've got the home improvement bug. We're going to repaint the trim on the house, Paint A's room, and paint the living room. In the yard I've already moved a ton of dirt and planted 3 trees. I'm in the process of laying down the weed control cloth and putting a ton of rocks on top so there are no pictures yet. Don't worry they are coming. Here is a new faucet that was installed last week. It's all spit polished and nice!

Here are some pictures of the kids. This was pre-spring forward. Post spring forward there have been no happy images. Time changes are lame my kids hate them therefore I now hate them. Anywho.

Lastly, we celebrated St. Patty's early this year by slow cooking a tremendous Corned beef. If you've never tried it you're missing out. We just do it up with cabbage, bread, and potatoes Irish style. I look forward to the time corned beef hits the grocery shelves every year.

You sure do a nice job on the meal. Looks yummy. We've got to start doing that at home.
YUM. We did that for the first time last year and really liked it. I guess we will have to repeat it this week.
I bought the stuff to make it, but then Kirk invited us over. So I'm going to make it tomorrow. I hope it tastes as good as yours looks!
Good job on the home improvements. Dan spent all last Saturday planting things. He used the weed blanket, too. He said it was a pain. And I LOVE daylight savings. Now Sam sleeps in until 7:20. It's the bomb.
Nice sink.
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