Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Howdy all,
Sam here. I know you all know that I live in the desert... that's what make today so strange. IT SNOWED 6 INCHES!!! Pretty wild eh? Momma had to go into work this morning when it was not really snowing and then they didn't even cancel it when it it got up to a couple inches. She got home ok though, and she gets to stay home tomorrow! It started out really slow and it has been super cold but towards the afternoon it really picked up. I like snow, I find it tasty. Popo apparently hates snow (first time) but he is a skinny weenie so that's not really a surprise. I shot some pictures to give you the general look of things.

Here is me w/ momma.

and here's me making my annual yellow snow...

Here's the beard w/ popo the skinny freezing snow hater.

Here's popo trying to shake off the snow.

Now for a couple pictures to help you get the feel of how pretty snow is and how much The beard and momma miss it sometimes.

Here is how I like to keep warm on a snowy night!

Here is our favorite new nightly adventure. Ever since the sweet smelling lady started to smell like baby we get to go to drive thru's all the time. Here is popo waiting patiently for a taste of hamburger.

Here is me waiting not as patiently for the drive thru lady to hand us that fragrant bag of burgery goodness.

So that is all the news for now. I am sure we'll have another update soon with the holidays coming up. Till next time remember that snow is just snow so let the hating go.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving and the smell of decorated pine trees to pee on permeate the air!

Howdy folks,
Sam here. I figured I would share some of my recent samventures. We traveled down to the fantastic Dana point area to spend Thanksgiving giving thanks for the spoil me rottens. (grandparents) They made us a delicious feast of turkey! I love Turkey! They even set it on a plate on the floor for me and popo. I ate all mine real quick like and then attempted to snake popo's. After the feast there was much laying around and sleeping from all that tripo... tripta... you know that stuff in turkeys that gives people an excuse to lay around after the feast. Here is the beard laying around with popo.

We had a ton of fun during thanksgiving. The spoil me rottens took us on fun walks and Cori tried to jog with me. Little did she know I only have 2 speeds. Sniff the ground while slowly meandering, and LUDICROUS SPEED!!!!! None the less, it was super fun and the beard tells me we get to go back for Christmas.

Around the house we've been decorating our own house for the first time. It's no Clark Griswold but c'mon, we poor. Give the beard a break, Christmas lights are expensive and for some reason he doesn't own a ladders. It'll improve over the years since mama wants this house to be the envy of the whole neighborhood. We have a ways to go. See for yourself.

This is our Christmas Tree. The beard told mama that we should get a real one this year cause she has always wanted one but for some reason it didn't happen and she says it's too late now.

Here are our stockings hanging over our lamentably un-usable fireplace. I see images of happy dogs sleeping next to warm fireplaces all the time but ours wasn't made for fire. I hear the spoil me rottens have a working one. Man am I looking forward to that!