Sunday, February 26, 2012

More Picture Dumping

Hola, So just in case you thought I was lying about Pit Bulls out on our block every other day.
It's completely out of control. So that is why we go to abandoned fields to walk. The weather has been nice enough for the snakes to come out early though so... ugh. We play in the back yard most days too. The kids love dirt.
They look older in these shots to me for some reason.
Sam likes to come out and run around in the backyard too.
It really was nice this past week with highs near 80. That's why he looks so hot.
Other Shots.
Till next time... Watch your back, He's always watchin.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Sometimes we go wandering around. I've given up on walking Sam in our neighborhood since there is a pitbull loose every other day. So I've been taking advantage of the nice weather and the expanses of space here to take everyone out exploring. Sometimes the trips go well and sometimes the kids don't listen so well but at least we get out for free and it isn't the park. I am getting really sick of the park. Anywho here are some shots from our recent wanderings.
In a concerted effort to continue culturing her little brother Z has been teaching him to dance.
Yes that is a dress, and yes it is pink.
Till next time- RTSZA

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Cultured Life.

So, We've been continuing to lay low. Z has found a passion for reading.
That's national Geographic for Kids thanks to the spoil me rottens.
She's also found a passion for painting.
And of coure she still loves to color. The grandparents came up this weekend and she took the opportunity to show them her skills.
oh and THIS!
"A" has also found new civilized skills. He dumped his juice all over his high chair so he got to eat at the big table.
As every good american knows you can't be civilized unless you are culturing a love of Nascar. Here he shows the ladies how to execute an outside pass.
Then he shows them how to lead that pack.
Then Grandpa catches them. Let the tickle torture begin.
That deserves silly faces.
That's it for now. RTSZA

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lots More

Hello all, In some form of chronology here is what we've been whittling the hours doing. Sunday was the greatest of American holidays, the SUPER BOWL. This is of course a great excuse to make delicious snacks and eat them. I made my famous guacamole and the children enjoyed it.
The game was good. The ladies were sad that the unfathomably debonair QB lost.
(only Kidding) The next day A refused to sleep in the morning so we headed out to the park early. It was colder than normal and there was no one there so I took the opportunity to ignore my children and photograph.
Those tiny specs in the distance are Z. I didn't completely ignore them.
I really like this one.
Since "A" didn't sleep that morning he didn't last long on the ride home. I shot these while driving 60 MPH so excuse their awfulness.
He's gonna love me for those when he grows up. Z wanted in on the photoshoot.
I was only kidding about the 60+MPH part. Today this is happening.
As you can see, A is Sick. Z says it wasn't her.
or maybe it was.
That is all. Till Next Time ACHOOOO! RTSZA