Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Party Like it's January

   The past few weekends have been busy and fun. 2 weeks ago spurred by the success of the family hike in Virginia over christmas break we set out for a simple hike in the canyons of Malibu to Escondido Falls a 3 tier 200ft waterfall. I was aware that the water flow would probably be disappointing but the other aspects of the trip seemed like a good idea. Very little elevation gain and relatively short all while enjoying coastal weather instead of mountain cold. Spurred on by chocolate and snacks the kids did great and walked the 3.8 miles round trip like champs.

The hike started out oddly, street walking through a neighborhood of multi million dollar Malibu homes. Aiden was in fine form.

Once we reached the riparian canyon things were really pleasant.

The falls themselves were just a dribble. I can imagine that in a wet year they would be really impressive.

I set out to do a little scrambling up to the second tier 100 ft above this spot while T and the kids hung out and snacked.

Zoey took this picture of the falls.

Then Aiden took this picture of Zoey on the rope swing.
Once I returned we set out for the car and stopped a few times to take family pictures.

I shot this one.

Z Shot this one.

Aiden took this one.
This past weekend we had more adventures. On Saturday the weather was supposed to be really nice so we went down to Leo Carillo without Sam to explore the non dog beach parts of the area. We went during low tide to see the caves and tide pools.

The kids love the beach and couldn't resist getting wet.

The kids  collected shells, played with hermit crabs and poked anemones then decided they'd had enough and went to go get wet and explore caves.

Leo Carillo was really nice.

  On Monday we discovered that the Los Angeles County Museum of Art was having a free day for Martin Luther King Jr day. Upon arrival we were told that there was a table for families to gain entrance instead of waiting in the HUGE line outside. We went in and found out that they have a program were you sign up your kids and they can come for free until they are 18 years old. Top that off with the fact that they can get in 1 parent every visit for free. 2 kids + 2 parents means we can get into LACMA for free any time for the next 13 years. NICE.

The kids were really good. I'd personally been hesitant to bring them somewhere full of priceless art so we hadn't tried much other than the local museum. It was great. LACMA has a fantastic collection and since it was a free day the place was full of kids WAY worse than ours.

The kids didn't much care for the paintings or sculptures but really loved the interactive and instillation art works.

Since the LaBrea  tar pits are in the same park we took a short walk over there to see a current excavation pit.

They were digging up Ground sloths, Saber Toothed Cats and Ice Age Horses.

We went for lunch across the street at food truck row. 15 or so food trucks with any kind of food you can think of all park in the same section of Wilshire Blvd. It was delicious and fun to be out and about in the city with the kids.

Then we returned to see Chris Burdens Metropolis II set into motion.

Aiden fell in love.

He didn't leave this spot for 15 minutes.

It is an aestheticised over grown mash up of Will Ferrells basement in the lego movie and a working race car track/ train track. Everything works, everything moves there are cars zipping every which way it's really quite fun to watch. Aiden didn't want to leave.

Other than those trips we've been enjoying the unreasonably warm weather and getting on.

Till next time,


Wednesday, January 7, 2015


    While we were out in Virginia Grandpa Grover painted the lower portions of our kitchen for us. He did a great job and we were really pleased how much it spruced up the place to have that part painted. Since we've been home Aiden has had school and wanted to go every day while Zoey and Teresa and I have the week off. Today we decided to paint out "accent" wall in the dining room and above the kitchen cupboards.


Zoey decided she wanted to help:

The decided she didn't:

So she picked up the camera and started taking selfies.

There were a lot more of these...
Anywho, here are the results.

Now we just have the entry to paint. Then we have to figure out what to do about the cabinets...

Till Next Time-


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas In Virginia and not.

    We went to Virginia for Christmas. The kids were mostly good on the flight. Dad picked us up at Dulles on Sunday the 21st. We drove home and had a great meal. Great meals/ desserts/ overeating were par for the course. Grandma and Grandpa Cheney surprised us with an Air Hockey table which was enjoyed immensely throughout the trip. On Monday the whole family drove down to Midlothian Virginia to visit Kristen and Dan in their lovely home. We ate Chick-Fil-A for the first time and went bowling at a great (cheap) alley.
    Tuesday we went into town and had a family picture taken at the UVA Lawn. The kids were reasonably good despite the cold and the photo shoot went off quickly and hitch free. Then we came home and decorated the tree, ate more, played air hockey and visited.
    Wednesday was Christmas eve. We went to Walmart and purchased our gift exchange presents. The kids made and decorated cookies for Santa.

Aiden has perfected the O'brien tongue.

Candice made this face every time I pointed a camera at her all trip.

Zoey made lovely cookies but didn't want to eat them, so I got to...
Then the kids were sent downstairs to bring out all of the presents and place them under the tree.

The decorated tree with the entire haul.
We had an amazing dinner that night (more food) with a beef tenderloin, ham, jello "salad" green bean casserole, rolls on rolls, and cheesy potatoes. Before dinner Grandma handed out the Christmas Eve presents to everyone. It is tradition passed down from her mom to wrap and give socks that night. Later we set out cookies for Santa, made chunky and Grandpa talked to the family about Christmas.
      Christmas morning we got dressed and ready to come down then brought the kids down to see The traditional cereal box tree breakfast.

The kids went down to see what Santa brought and had put in their stockings. Then we came up and ate breakfast quickly and hurried back downstairs to open the mountain of gifts.

After the smoke cleared the kids had made out like bandits and we spent the rest of the morning setting up and playing with various toys. In the afternoon we took the opportunity of nice weather and went to the local school playground to have a few games of knock out and let the kids play.

Wendy-4, Zoey-5, Carter-6, Afton-4

On Friday we had the good idea (along with everyone else in Virginia) to head up into the the Blue Ridge to take a group hike to Humpback Rocks. The kids did great and really had fun. Teresa and I were encouraged that perhaps our children aren't as soft and wimpy as we thought and can plan and enjoy more of these kinds of activities.

Still making silly faces at the camera...

Zoey was an absolute super trooper. Her and I made it up to the top and she wanted to explore the rocks/ cliffs and climb around as much as she could.

Everyone else soon caught up.

Aiden made it all the way up without being carried at all.

Saturday we cooked a pancake breakfast and went to the local Mini- golf for a round.

Teresa received a camera for Christmas so you may've noticed more pictures of me. WIN-WIN!!!
On the way home we stopped by the park again.

Sunday we went for a walk in the rain so the kids could correctly utilize their new umbrellas.

Since it was raining more fast paced air hockey was played.

Cousins ran through the house laughing/ screaming/ fighting and having fun.

Aiden LOVES this marble track

Monday morning we had to say goodbye to Dan and Kristen and their family. We went to the bounce house with Candice, Craig, and kids then met everyone who was left at Bodos for lunch. 

It was toddler time so adults were allowed on the equipment.

Kirk had discovered that morning while we were at the bounce house that he had an awful case of strep throat so we said goodbye without hugs and mom took them down to Richmond to fly home that evening. Teresa and I had a date night while Craig, Candice and Mom watched our kids. I ate $6 steak (crazy deal) at the Sedona Taphouse it was delicious and really crowded.

Tuesday we went shopping in the morning then came home to watch Charlotte, Millie and Lincoln while C+C went out to eat Korean food for lunch.
    That night we went to a UVA basketball game. UVA was ranked 3rd in the country so the place was packed. Davidson came out hot in the first half but UVA got it together and ended up winning the game pretty handily. Aiden loved the game and the atmosphere. Zoey was really in it for the first half but lost interest as things wore on. The game was exciting.

Wednesday we had to go. Grandpa was kind enough to drive us out to Dulles again. The airport was completely empty. The flight was completely full. Zoey started to get a bit ill at the end of the flight but we made it down without any blown chunks. The drive home was uneventful. We were so tired that we didn't even unpack. Since it was New Years Eve Teresa and I tried to stay up but only made it to Midnight Eastern. (which is fair b/c that's where we woke up??)

The next morning we woke up and the kids opened their presents from the Grovers.

Hey Ladies!!! Check out that smile!!!

The kids were extremely happy to open even more great gifts (3 times in one holiday season!)

The trip was great. It is always good to see the Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and spend time together. It was a wonderful way to wrap up a great year.


Aiden can reach the pedals on his birthday bike now!!

Till next time-