Sunday, February 21, 2010

8 Months and on the go.

Howdy all,
Sam here. Z has become super mobile and is a whole new bundle of challenge now. She is constantly trying to come and see Popo and I and steal our toys. We're handling it really well because the mountain man doesn't really give us a choice. Oh, and because we like Z as evidenced by the following pictures.

It's really not as bad as that makes it look. I just have to keep finding ways to include Porter pictures and he always looks scared in his pictures.
Z is on the go and pulling herself up everywhere. The sweet smelling lady and the beard have to chase her all over the house now. Sometimes it seems like there are 3 people and 2 dogs all crawling around the house, like nobody ever gets to stand up.
The good news is that now that Z is mobile she is much better at entertaining herself. Here she is looking prim and proper.

Exploring the taste of a coaster holder.

Working on her Beyonce like dance moves.

Learning about finances and figuring out what women use purses for.

Lastly, here she is looking super cute.

Till next time.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Watch out world, here comes Zoey!

Well, Zoey will be 8 months this Thursday. As a treat for us for her 8 month birthday she has decided it would be a good time to show us that she can crawl. It all started with her pulling herself up in the crib after a nap about a week ago. I came in to get her and was greeted by this smiling face standing up in her crib. (We immediately moved the mattress down to avoid a spill)

This first video is of the first day that she inched forward. She had been rolling around to get to where she needed to go for a long time, and then one day just decided to take that momentum and move it forward.

Now that it's been a few days, she has really taken to the whole crawling thing. She finds something that catches her interest, crawls to it, and then finds something that she can use to pull herself up on. She doesn't seem to be content just to crawl. She has to stand at her final destination. So here is her new skill just a few days later. (Sorry about the shaky camera. I had to hold onto the bouncing chair so it wouldn't tip over)

Zoey's other hobby is to tear up paper. She especially likes magazines. Here she is in the midst of destruction.

I like her mischievous look in this one:

Well that's it for now. Wish us luck with our new handful!!!