Sunday, September 16, 2012

Grand Prix

    This week was mostly uneventful. We signed up for a gym, we went to the Lancaster Grand Prix, where they shut down downtown and race go carts at speed "UP TO 100MPH!!!!" (from the brochure), and we stayed indoors to avoid the sweltering heat. Pictures are of the grand prix. We only went in the morning when they were doing practice runs because later on in the day it was going to be 100+ and that sounds awful.

Just Chillin, Not noticing that creepy lady AHHHH!!!!!

That is all.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back To Normal

   That essentially means we are back to normal life. Work, dinner, Lancaster, sleep. Not too much to report. Pictures and videos.

Aiden thinks normal is boring.

A little Gary Winogrand and a little William Eggelston

The sunsets have been good. The heat has been bad. Hopefully more will occur, if so you'll find out.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Coming Home

   Lets wrap this thing up shall we? (audience applauds loudly) After the Blue Bell factory we came back to Austin for a few days. One of those days was spent at another swimming hole called blue hole. This one was less crowded and had two rope swings. There was a lot more space and the water was clearer but the scenery was a bit less spectacular. It was still pretty amazing. I think that night we went to Salt Lick BBQ again. This time with pictures.

When you have kids you eat early. By the end of dinner this whole rooms was packed.

What's that rumbling in my tummy?

Waitress bring an extra pound of sausage please!

More Juice!

MMMMMM Pit Meat!
The Salt Lick is an enormous place. They have a whole field of hammocks and a kids playground area. After dinner we let the kids blow off some steam and work off some pork.

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The next day the ladies went to get manicures while Joe and I wandered around an outdoor mall with 4 kids. After naps we went to the community pool and after dinner the ladies went to see a movie.      
The next morning we set out for El Paso TX. On the way out we stayed in Van Horn TX, and we were scheduled to stay there again but that was the hotel with a pond for a pool and a staff full of jerks. Turns out Holiday Inn Inc. though so too because apparently the day after we stayed there they sold it to some private party. This meant that we were on the hook for a room we didn't want and no one would take responsibility for giving us a refund. After a tremendous amount of haggling we finally got our money back and the only place we could book was El Paso. Not ideal since El Paso is a giant hole but OK.
Ya'll are making me wait to pee and watch the dog?

It's hot out here lemme in!

Everyone waiting for me to finish taking pictures.
After a long drive across West Texas, we arrived in El Paso with a bit of time to spare and it was T and my 10th wedding anniversary so we got take out from a Mexican restaurant and stayed in a La Quinta with 2 kids and a dog. (Ahhh romance where have you gone?) Here is our 10th wedding anny shot.
Ten years and still smiling.
 The next day we set out for Pheonix AZ. We swam in the pool and stayed in a really nice candlewood suites room. The last day was an easy drive home.
   Overall the road trip was a huge success. J and H, K and G, D and K were all wonderful hosts. Texas in August wasn't as bad as it could have been, and the driving started to wear on us (read: Kids) by the end, but we've both commented since getting home how well it went and how fun it was. After an experience like this I'm sure there are more road trips to come, there is certainly more country to see.

Till next time.