Sunday, September 16, 2012

Grand Prix

    This week was mostly uneventful. We signed up for a gym, we went to the Lancaster Grand Prix, where they shut down downtown and race go carts at speed "UP TO 100MPH!!!!" (from the brochure), and we stayed indoors to avoid the sweltering heat. Pictures are of the grand prix. We only went in the morning when they were doing practice runs because later on in the day it was going to be 100+ and that sounds awful.

Just Chillin, Not noticing that creepy lady AHHHH!!!!!

That is all.



maynard said...

I've never heard of one with go karts. Looks rather intereting. Some of those carts can really move fast.

Does the gym have activities for the little ones while you work out?

Fabulous Featherette said...

Looks like fun. Cute photos of precious kidlets!

Kristen said...

Cool! This post should be titled, A Boy and His Balloon.

SAM!!! said...

the YMCA has classes and 2 hours of supervised kid watching every day. the carts really do haul. They're quite loud too. It is probably fun to watch the real races if you can find a shady spot.

And yes "A" was a lot more interested in his balloon than the practice laps.