Monday, March 30, 2009

Two posts in such a short span? Consider yourselves lucky! ohh and poppies.

Hello all,
Sam here. We took another sweet nature trip last week. Since the sweet smelling lady has been on a little vacay for spring break we've been doing all kinds of things to keep busy. Turns out we live right near the California State Poppy Preserve. Now for those of you who have been paying attention we've had some precipitation this year. Apparently more than most years and at just the right times. So, we're expecting a superb Poppy year. We decided to go and check it out the free way. There is actually a parking lot that costs $7 and there are no dogs allowed in that part of the place. This is where the beard and his extensive knowledge of all things Mojave comes in handy. All those hours he spends out in the middle of nowhere doing nothing finally paid off as far as I am concerned. He found a back way (free) and we got to come (hooray). It turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day. First the highlights.

Here's the sweet smelling lady being the foxy pregnant lady who still smells sweet but rocks the maternity wear like a hot mamma.

Here's a couple more and one of the beard.

Now for the obligatory shots that the beard continues to shoot every time we go anywhere. He acts like a nut sometimes with a camera. He crawls around on all fours, sticks in in my face, lays down, etc.... mama likes these though and she thinks some of them might make nice wall shots.

Till next time don't eat the poppies, TRUST ME.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Leo Carrillo'ing?

Howdy people,
I realize it's been a while and I know my adoring fans have been clamoring for my return. Consider this the big drop, like Jay-Z I'm back. Like the return of DOOM I come rolling in.
We went on down to the beach Saturday for a short camping trip. It was drizzly on the way down when we were up at the higher elevations. Everybody was worried that the trip would be a bust but we had already put down the $$ and it was non refundable. The beard decided to trudge on. Google maps had told us to take the 23 down to the beach as the shortest route. That's the last time we listen to them. The 23 is Decker Canyon rd. You know all those songs about dead mans curve? They're about decker canyon. You know those windy death roads in bond movies? That's what this road was like. With a sensitive stomach like mine and a preggo sweet smelling lady it was not the nicest trip down.
Once we arrived the weather was nice and it didn't rain until the next morning but by then we were leaving.
So what else could go wrong taking a pregnant woman camping? Sleeping you say? You are correct! We usually bring an air mattress for sleeping on and this is the time it decided to pop a giant hole! So we slept on the ground or in the sweet smelling lady's case not much at all.
Regardless of all the trouble, B+H+E+E+W decided to join us and it was a good trip.
We ate delicious buffalo burgers, walked on the beach, made smores and so on.
I've got some pictures...

Here are some shot's of Beastly, Holly, and their new sister ESTER! She's an older girl but that just means she is super mellow and was really nice to me and popo.

Here's me sniffing the cool ocean breezes for the scent of barbecue.

Here's popo trying to bust out of your computer screen.

Here's mama soaking up the warmth of the fire. She loves sitting next to a fire. It might be her favorite part of camping, that or fried bagels.

Here's some shots the beard made just to show you the general niceness of the scene.

We've had more adventures since then. The rents took us out to the Calfornia poppy preserve and it was pretty cool, Maybe if the beard loads up the shots he'll let me sit down and write another post.

Till then Hang Ten Party People.
