Saturday, March 26, 2011


Howdy all,
We went to the zoo again. It was cold (50's (haha Candice)), and cloudy. Perfect zoo weather. No one in LA wants to go out in that so we got up front parking, didn't sweat like crazy and didn't have to fight off hordes of sweaty angelinos to see a sweaty hippo. The spoil me rottens came along to aid in the constant attention a girl like Z needs. Here are the pictures.

There have been a lot of other developments recently but it's late and I want to go night night. A has his 6 month checkup this Wednesday so maybe after that.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

(Insert witticism here)

T is going on spring break this week. The spoil me rottens came up yesterday to hang with the kids. There are no pictures of that because I ran off to take advantage of the few weeks CA is green to photograph the Salton Sea. It was fantastic. There are other random pictures of the children.

I mostly finished the planter but now I'm thinking about lining it with brick to make it look more finished. We picked drought tolerant trees so hopefully our black thumbs can't kill them.

I've also started tomatoes in a Topsy Turvy. Everyone I know who's used on says they are great. Well, I may have discovered one problem, out here it is so windy that one of the stalks broke clean off. I think the hanging doesn't offer any support or bracing and it can get really windy out here. We'll see how it works but here's a pic of when it started.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Sink. Tim the Tool Man. Side of Brined Beef

Spring has sprung in CA. I've got the home improvement bug. We're going to repaint the trim on the house, Paint A's room, and paint the living room. In the yard I've already moved a ton of dirt and planted 3 trees. I'm in the process of laying down the weed control cloth and putting a ton of rocks on top so there are no pictures yet. Don't worry they are coming. Here is a new faucet that was installed last week. It's all spit polished and nice!

Here are some pictures of the kids. This was pre-spring forward. Post spring forward there have been no happy images. Time changes are lame my kids hate them therefore I now hate them. Anywho.

Lastly, we celebrated St. Patty's early this year by slow cooking a tremendous Corned beef. If you've never tried it you're missing out. We just do it up with cabbage, bread, and potatoes Irish style. I look forward to the time corned beef hits the grocery shelves every year.


Monday, March 7, 2011

More New Freshness!

Howdy all,
The C side Grandparents came into town last weekend. The weather was really really nice so we went to the park a lot. Z likes to be her own woman as you can tell from these photos. She doesn't like being carried, strollered (??), or hurried so we all just walk around at her pace and try to keep her from picking up goose poop.

On Saturday night we went over to Bry and Lisa's for Tri-tip 4 ways. Seriously, he made 4 tri-tips all with different seasonings. It was delicious. Z got to hang out with her second cousins (?) and everyone got to meet "A". "A" let them all know where he stands by immediately peeing all over Bry and the hardwood floor upon arrival. Z doesn't get to hang out with many kids so it was good for her and she made herself at home.

A few random shots. (edited at the request of models)

Lastly, today is basically EF1 force winds outside all day. Our house is still standing but the birds are all messed up and just walking around rather than hitting the skies. This guy(?) walked into my front yard. I thought "camera, or gun and dinner?" I went with the camera.

Till next time watch out for flying houses.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Museum and Los Angeles

Howdy Everyone,
Our friends Joe and Heather are moving soon so we took the opportunity to go into LA and visit the Childrens Science Center with them. The place is free and Z is getting to be the right age to enjoy such things. 'A' spent most of the day in the stroller and was actually really content to just be there. I was impressed by some of the stuff but a lot of it was pretty beat. It got INSANELY crowded in the afternoon which was a bummer, and reminded me why I dislike most people. Here are some pictures.

The highlight was a big aquarium full of fish. Z loved the tunnel you could walk through and have oceanic creatures surrounding you.

We also had the spoil me rottens come for a night last weekend. It was good to see them. We have the C grandparents coming this weekend so Z and A are getting their fill of love. Here are some random shots in no particular order from the last few days.

A wearing his tough guy villainous cowboy hat.

Just kidding he hasn't learned to be a villain yet. (but he's getting there)

More randomness.

Lastly I've discovered the secret recipe for a MEAN Chili.

Perfect for a cold high desert winter night x4 (I'm the only one who eats it)