Saturday, April 26, 2008


I've been sick as a dog. Hmmm where does that saying come from you ask? I KNOW, I KNOW!!!! PICK ME !!!! I KNOW THE ANSWER, PICK ME PICK ME!!!!

I vomited 8 times on Thursday. spent 3 hours in the vet on Friday and found out I have a parasite from eating stuff off the ground! That's where it comes from. Dogs get sick and man do they mean it. You humans have it easy one or two little vomits and you think your dying! I lost 1/6 of my body weight (3lbs) in two days. That's like if the mountain man was to lose a gazillion pounds and suddenly look like this.

or this...

(extraneous picture of mullet included to please maynard the mullet lover.)
I'm getting better now though. I will spare you the horrible details but lets just say I was able to drop the kids off at the pool today for the first time in a while. EVERYBODY CHEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The beard also tells me that some of you out there feel like this blog has taken a strange turn lately. I suppose it has with all the odd medical stuff going on and the whole backyard hunt going on (we got it btw) Rest assured as soon as things mellow out the beard will resume taking cute photos and I will resume making sharp witty beard bashing comments, filled with all the vim and vigor of old. pointed barbs of pants peeing precision! That could be a nursey rhyme. POINTED BARBS OF PANTS PEEING PRECISION! TATA for now.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

pic... from website

That's the place... the lawn has been redone somehow so this must be an older pic but...


I realize it's not witty fun or cute like some of the recent stuff floating around this little blog circle, but The sweet smelling lady and the mountain man said that they went and put and offer on a house with a yard for me to run around in. 3+2 w/ fireplace nice yard 2 car garage new carpets new fence and so on. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that things work out with the offer. The mountain man tells me he's nervous about the whole thing and I call him a bed wetter and tell him I need a yard.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

free and clear

Hey everybody,
Popo went and had his stitches taken out. The vet says one more day for the stitch holes to clear up and he's in the clear. A regular guy (sorta), ready to take on the world with the vim and vigor that only a puppy possesses. Hip Hip Hooray!!! This means it's even time to train him to poop outside!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

random stuff and stuff

Howdy ya'll,
Not much going on here. Popo goes in for his (hopefully) final vet visit wednesday. They are supposed to take out the stitches and after a few days for those to heal he'll be outside and at em. I might even show him the ropes at the park. I don't know how they are going to get the stitches out of him... he's very sensitive about the area. The mountain man called the vet to ask if they put him under and the lady acted like he was crazy (he is) and laughed in his face then hung up the phone. He and the sweet smelling lady had to put iodine on the wounds for the last two weeks and he screams like a chicken in a foxhouse in a sauna boiling screaming lobsters. I'm sure taking out stitches will be much worse.
On another note the mountain man has been out for hours on end lately and he tells me you can find the results of his travels here. He says these are just the digital camera pictures because the beautiful film pictures cost $$ to develop and apparently there are on labs nearby that he trusts with his monumentally amazing photographs. He says he traveled 13 hours out in the desert, found ghost towns, went to death valley, hiked, ate, photographed and came back smelling like a mountain man.
I have been doing the usual, torturing popo checking out the ladies at the park, guarding the house from deadly birds and squirrels and being generally rad. So until next time...