Saturday, July 30, 2011

This week

Z has been super sick. This post will contain "A" only because any pictures or stories about Z would entail large amounts of neon vomit and watery poop. Those stories are best left untold and the scenes are best left unseen. Just ask the people trying to walk into the supermarket, or the guy behind us on the 405, or the backseat of Teresa's car, or my carpet, or my nasal passages.

Any who, here is what "A" is up to. We're thinking about sending him to teach at the catalogue modeling school.

Sexy pose 2.

Here is his JC Penny catalogue look.

And here is something else, this time he's going for intrigue.

Lastly he's really getting around lately. He moves well on his feet as long as he's holding on to something. We decided to give his something that rolls and walla~!

ps only kidding about the 405, not about the rest of it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mouse hunting.

T here,
This past Saturday I took Zoey down to my parents house and Mom, Cori, Zoey and I all went to Disneyland. It was a very belated Mother's Day get together for all the girls. Since it was a Saturday the park was crowded but we still managed to ride on 11 rides without waiting more than 20 minutes. Our first ride was Autopia. Zoey decided she wanted to ride with her Aunt Cori.

Then it was over to Pinocchio which Zoey didn't seem to care for, I think it was the dark and all the crazy pictures coming out at her. The carousel was much more to her liking.

But in true girly fashion Zoey was most interested in "I wanna see PRINCESS!" They added a new princess area where you can go and hear a princess tell you a story which Zoey seemed to enjoy. She wouldn't sit with me, she found the nearest little girl and scooted her way over to sit with her. Completely forgetting about personal space. The other little girl took it well.

Then of course we had to go see Mickey. Afterwards we heard multiple times "go see Mickey? Go see Mickey??"

Once she got the hang of the rides her new favorite saying was "one more time? one more time?" Which we heard after every ride we did the rest of the day. Her favorites were: The Jungle Cruise, Winnie the Pooh, It's a small world, and the tiki room. We got her on Pirates of the Caribbean which she didn't appreciate at first but seemed ok with at the end. Here are a few pictures of her on the rides looking around in awe. Notice the blank stare on her face in the 2nd pic. It was almost 5pm after a long hot day with no nap...but it was all to interesting so she did her best to stay alert. Such a trooper!

It was a great first trip to Disneyland for Zoey. She didn't want to leave, but I knew she was exhausted. She fell asleep the second we hit the freeway and was tired for the next two days.

In other news Aiden has become extremely confident in his verbal abilities. That's him making most of the noise and Zoey playing back yelling "noooo". He's also getting 4 top teeth in right now so he chews on everything!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pickin And Sittin.

Hey Ya'll,
We went to the Natural history museum 2 weeks ago. We didn't get any pictures because the camera battery was dead. Turns out teachers get in for free and both T and I are teachers so we'll go back. That place is pretty cool. It's hot here.

Z is 2. Definitely 2. Some of you may not have had the chance to experience this yet. She is 2.

A is on the go; moving, eating, reaching, biting. 4 teeth now, top 2 just popped in. Generally happy.


Z hamming, and Z sleeping.

A in his "sexy pose"

We went pickin again. Got some of those fantastic San Andreas strawberries. They also have animals and playgrounds and the like. I realize none of these images illustrate any of that.

That is all.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Crawling, Bawling, rolling.

"A" has an obsession. He will hear the dishwasher open from anywhere in the house and come running. He will wriggle and writhe out of your arms then crawl like a mad man. Once he gets there he will pull out the sharpest knife he can find and start swinging. This is one of his more mild recent dishwasher visits.

In other news our continuous search for entertainment took us to Santa Monica this week. They have a litle amusement park on the pier and fancy shopping at third street. Being the kind of folks we are we stayed away from third street.
Right from the get go there was a giant arcade with those $0.25 "rides" That shake a bit. Z wanted to climb all over those.

This is what happened when we tried to pry her off of those to see the rest of the fun stuff.

She is as two as two gets.

This is our childrens reaction upon seeing all of the booths and prizes and rides and excitement.

We hung out around the booths and rides for a bit.

We took some time to admire the ocean and the sweaty masses from the pier.

I think I might get one of these "A" shots everywhere we go. I like them.

After lunch we went to join said sweaty masses who were sweatier and more massive than they appeared earlier. This was "A"s first time at the beach or seeing the ocean and such. He seemed to enjoy it more than Z who has developed a hesitancy around water. Note the sweaty masses upon us.

All things considered it was a good and exhausting day. We are going to try to make it to the Natural History Museum next week since they are letting teachers and guests in free to preview the new Dinosaur Exhibit! We are trying to turn our kids into road warriors.

Z's wild eyes.

Three scoops please.

Раян Тэрэза Сэм Зоі Aiden

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mountaineer! Or something.

It has been crazy hot here the past few days. This means lots of things.

It means that Z will wear dresses.

It means we get to break out the sweet kiddy pool. Last year if you recall Z loved this thing. This year she HATES it but Aiden loves it. Z won't get in and A will stay in there until his gums chatter and lips quiver.

It also mean that Z likes to take evening walks around our neighborhood. On another one of these recent walks she was offered a large baby doll. She came home obsessed with it. She wouldn't let it go. After a thorough cleaning she now sleeps with it.

To escape the heat on Saturday we went to the "Mountaineer" Festival up in the mountains. It was nice to be in the mountains and hear the wind, and smell the pines.
The festival itself was pretty lame. There were supposed to be gunfights starting at 10am. We asked when they would have the first one at 11am and they said "we haven't even finished setting up, we don't know." We couldn't wait for "we don't know" so by the time we left in the afternoon they still hadn't had one and T was deeply disappointed. She has never seen one due to not spending summers in WY like moi. Maybe we'll go to Jackson Hole next week so she can see one.
Anyways, we ate shaved Ice. Had a nice lunch at a cafe. Saw the Spoil me rottens, had a great time with them. Overall it was a fun day had by all, but it seems like "festivals" around here are just booths of people trying to sell you something.

Wandered around the booths, got free balloons, and Z discovered a deep love for Ex racing Greyhounds. (Surprisingly gentle lazy dogs.)

Z likes to suck lemons.

Random A shot.

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