Monday, October 29, 2012

More Halloween-y-ness

   Halloween is usually a pretty big deal around here. T loves it despite the areas efforts at breaking her with their total failure to even notice that it exists. We still decorate the house. Go to pumpkin patches and try our hardest to have fun. We're all on week 2 of debilitating illness, now it's coughs that sound like black death and noses that run so hard that our cheeks don't stand a chance.

Close to working this time.

Fam dressed up and ill at the BOO-levard.

House and kids.

sliding with Ashley at the local pumpkin patch.

Good Time had by both

Strangling her scarecrow self
We have yet to carve our pumpkins, roast our seeds and do the real halloween thing so expect another post soon.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

This week, thus far.

    Thus far this week A is still coughing and runny nosed like crazy. It's been windy and somewhat cold so in an effort to let him recover we haven't been going out too much. Today we decided to make dollar store halloween masks. The kids colored them in then I cut them out and attached elastics. The coloring lasted about 15 minutes, the cutting and tying of jury rigged elastics with paper clips and such lasted about 20 minutes, this photo session lasted about 5 minutes then the mask lasted about 5 minutes after that before being folded, stretched, ripped and ruined.

Proud of their work.

Trying to figure out how to put it on himself.

Extra Friend-ooky

Just in case you were wondering who was under those masks.


One Eyed Witch.
That is all for now.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Last Week

Hello all,
     Most of what you need to know about last week can be summed up in this image.

Last weekend Aiden woke up in the middle of the night vomiting. Then I woke up in the middle of the night vomiting. Pause a few days.... Wednesday afternoon Z wakes up vomiting, this continues until friday. Pause a few days... Friday night T catches it. So most of the week was spent cooped up in the house and cleaning vomit off of various things ala teddy bears. On sunday we finally felt well enough to set out into the world so we went to the pumpkin patch. It started cold, stayed crowded and turned sunny and hot as a result I had a hard time getting any decent pictures.

Lots of fun equipment to play on.

A Kid Size hay maze with no exit.

Ninja Crossing...

This is a squash. 

We grabbed some $1 pumpkins cause the joint is free and family owned that way we can feel better and stay cheap.

A wary stare from all parties involved.

More people.

My kids have never successfully completed one of these, ever.


White pumpkins kinda cool.

Showing off pumpkins.

Family photo not happening... T not happy.

When in doubt run faster the non existant exit is sure to be, oh wait.

sun... in...face...

Everyone is mostly healthy now. Runny noses still, but better moods and no vomit.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Desert Adventures

   Last week I took the kids out on an adventure to the site where I dropped off a desk 5 years ago. I have been out there a few times since, and the desk has been gone for 3 years now. Blown to smithereens and used as firewood I assume. Anywho. I try to go out and photograph the scene out there when I'm running low on other ideas of things to shoot. Nowadays that means with kids in tow.

This is the spot where the desk used to be, if you look closely there are still wooded capped desk feet in that pile of broken glass. If you look really closely you can also make out shot gun shells a car bumper and TV in the background. It seems TV's are a real favorite in the "Lets get drunk and shoot at stuff!!!!" game.

Possibly though force or perhaps practice the kids have become really good at road trips. They can pretty much have fun everywhere. This was no exception. Give them a ton of space to run around and broken glass to step on and they are in heaven!

 It was like their own personal playground. Z even found some souvenirs.

In the end no one shot at us, the weather was great and the kids had a fun adventure. Stay posted for future post apocalyptic scenes and adventures from the wasteland.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Boy Turns Two

Howdy all,
   I guess the big haps recently is that "A" turned two last week. We now have a 2 year old and a three year old which returns us to the land of odd looks and awkward statements whenever someone asks how old they are. His birthday was on Wednesday the 26th. We let him open some presents and let him pick his meals and such.

2 years old. There's 2 fingers up sorta!

Silly hats.

Card from Cheney Grandparents.

Race Car socks!!!

Birthdays are AWESOME!

New Coat and sisters help

looking spiffy!
Z Wants a turn in the spiffy jacket


happy kids.
Another Present... the anticipation is palpable

A toy Cop Car!!!

Get it out Mama!!

Z can't wait to play with it / take it over!

Lights, sounds, movement! It's amazing. (excuse the runny nose)

Time to settle down with a good book.
That weekend the Grover grandparents came up to help A celebrate.

We started by decorating in Yo Gabba Gabba fashion.

Muno and Brobee Balloons!

Streamers too!

Then we settled in for a day of fun with the grandparents. We went to Chuck E' Cheese and had cheap fun. We came home and I cooked up a tri tip. The kids wore out the grandparents.

 "A" opened the rest of his presents that night.

Look at all of those presents!
We all put on our party hats and A dove in.

 Not pictured is mama solo hat shot because she wouldn't be happy about the hat picture and I've already managed to include her with wet hair which won't make her super happy.

Kids made out like a bandit.

Time to play.

Video of remote controlled ATV guy. Please excuse my volume. Camera operators shouldn't speak.

Now it's time for cake.

Gabba Cake!

(again please excuse camera operator volume)

Happy birthday little dude.

till next time-