Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Desert Adventures

   Last week I took the kids out on an adventure to the site where I dropped off a desk 5 years ago. I have been out there a few times since, and the desk has been gone for 3 years now. Blown to smithereens and used as firewood I assume. Anywho. I try to go out and photograph the scene out there when I'm running low on other ideas of things to shoot. Nowadays that means with kids in tow.

This is the spot where the desk used to be, if you look closely there are still wooded capped desk feet in that pile of broken glass. If you look really closely you can also make out shot gun shells a car bumper and TV in the background. It seems TV's are a real favorite in the "Lets get drunk and shoot at stuff!!!!" game.

Possibly though force or perhaps practice the kids have become really good at road trips. They can pretty much have fun everywhere. This was no exception. Give them a ton of space to run around and broken glass to step on and they are in heaven!

 It was like their own personal playground. Z even found some souvenirs.

In the end no one shot at us, the weather was great and the kids had a fun adventure. Stay posted for future post apocalyptic scenes and adventures from the wasteland.


1 comment:

Kristen said...

Awesome that your kids are so good at going wherever you need to go! Looks like a beautiful day. Love the close up of Aiden w/ Zoey in the background.

You should make Z a shotgun shell necklace for Christmas.