Tuesday, May 31, 2011


We had the spoils up for Tri tip and a pre Z b-day party. They also brought me a new BBQ! wooh! here are pictures of fun and such.

As you can see Z didn't want to participate in a photo all weekend. She looks super bored about the cake too. Such a sweeheart.
Z and A always have fun with the spoils and cooooey! BABABABABA!

On the actual day of memorial we went to Train town in LA. It's not as big as I remember. I think the kids liked it. Z likes to hang out with random strangers chase kids around, and climb on things she isn't supposed to. Again, she wasn't very photogenic this weekend so you'll note that the shots are candids.

I on the other hand look good!
The place is free, the parking is free. The train ride costs money. I think Z liked it.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

It has been brought to my Attention. Redux.

That the previous post communicated the visual situation but not the emotional situation brought about by the rash so here is an attempt to rectify that.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It has been brought to my Attention.

That the previous picture of A's belly did not do the rash justice.

Here is another try.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

More Ways to Find Trouble

Howdy all,
Here's what we've been up to recently. Both kids had a fever over the weekend Z broke hers on Sunday but A 's persisted so on Monday T took him to the Dr. He took one look in his ears and figured ear infection so they came home Rx in hand, ready to do battle with the ear nasties.
Next day we're out and about in the evening and T notices a rash on Z's neck. We think little of it until we get home and A has it all over him. BACK TO THE DOCTOR. This time it's the urgent care and we see this awful british man who looks over the charts asks if they've both had fevers and tells us while hardly even looking us in the eye that they have Roseola. A virus that causes fever first then they act fine but a rash shows up. Z's didn't spread all over but A's did.

Dr. dismissively said it would go away in up to 4 weeks. Long time I know. O.k. get em home, put em in bed.

Next day, Kids are fine all day but A keeps scratching his head. T gets home and gets worried he's constantly at it. Calls the Dr. who says maybe A has another problem going on with his head because Roseola shouldn't itch. BACK TO THE DOCTOR. Turns out it's maybe cradle cap, maybe allergies, maybe heat, maybe dryness, maybe moon dust, maybe John Madden's athletes foot. BOOM! We come home sleep.


Wait for it...




here's some pictures of A on the move.

In other news. Z is eating at the table now, for better or worse.

Other random shots.

I like this shot in particular it's just about right.

This weekend we have the Spoil us Rottens coming over for festivities.

Till next time-


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Busted Up

Hey Ya'll,
So as I mentioned last post my computer has been down. I've fixed it and reinstalled everything myself. Taking weeks and saving$$$$$. The end result has been a few catch up posts. Here is the big one. Two weeks ago Z fell on her face on the concrete and busted up her lip and nose. I was in the SFV (at the mac store getting nothing done. worthless) and got a bunch of frantic phone calls. By the time I made it home T had been to the Urgent care and back (traffic). This is the morning after.

No stitches, no broken teeth or bones. Just a huge fat lip, a sore kid, and a sad momma. She's fine now, theres a little tiny bit left on her chin but i'm pretty sure it'll go away.
A is still army crawling. I think he's so good at it that he won't really crawl for a while. In fact he's starting to try and pull himself up a bit so maybe he'll never really get the crawling thing. Here he is looking happy with his sister chillin.

This weekend the world didn't end. Our kids both have fevers and won't take naps, and we're sitting here. Not doing anything of note.


Friday, May 13, 2011

On the Move.

My computer has been down recently so this is about 2 weeks old but here you go. The payoff is at the end. I can hear Candice now "56 seconds?!?!?! So LONG?!?!" but it's hard to tell kids when to do things.

He's everywhere now. He's tipping over dog bowls and reaching for power cords and all the fun stuff that come with having a mobile kid. WOOH!

Here is a video of Zs favorite game.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Berry Pickin

We went to that farm where you get to pick your own stuff again. This time we went with our friends Leigh and Lucas. Z didn't like the animals as much this time. She mostly wanted to kid watch and climb around on stuff.

We pulled Z and A around the farm in a cart. "A" seemed to like it a lot.

T and Z went for a ride on a tiny train.

Then we walked out to the strawberry fields in the back and picked our own. They had three varieties. I don't think I even knew strawberries came in varieties but if you can find "San Andreas" strawberries get your hands on some because they are incredible. "A" and I sent the girls out into the fields while we chilled out in the shade and supervised.

We also picked out own head of butter lettuce which Z wanted to carry around with her like a prize.

Z like boysenberries too. Especially on toast for breakfast like grandpa.

That is all for now.