Wednesday, August 28, 2013


   In case you aren't in the know we got ourselves a new puppy.  We had been trolling the shelter for a little while looking for a puppy that would turn into a bit larger and more outdoorsy dog than Sam. We had tried on a couple but they were already spoken for. On Sunday afternoon we found this little guy. The shelter had him listed at 3 months old Shepherd/ Collie mix. I think it's more of a shepherd/ lab mix. He's already 20lbs and his feet are HUGE which means he'll probably get pretty big.

    The kids are mostly happy to have him around though A hasn't quite figured out yet that he's the boss and shouldn't take any abuse. Z is having a great time being a new doggy trainer and helper. They played outside with him all evening yesterday and all morning today. We can't take him anywhere yet b/c of the way LA county shelters work. When you want a puppy they set up a spay/ neuter appointment for it and then you pick it up the day of the surgery. (which is kind of awful) He had surgery/ met new fam/ rode in car/ met new dog/ saw new house. All in one day. It also means he has to wear the cone of shame which intimidates Sam quite a bit. Anywho enough rambling some pics.

That's all for now. Ta ta.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Well, Uh.

    T is back at work. I start on Monday and I was wrong about when Z starts preschool in the last post. We haven't been up to too much since it's 100+ everyday here. We did go to the AV Fair again. It's becoming a yearly tradition. They always have a certain day where you can bring in 5 cans of food per adult and get in free. We do that. Since the kids are still under 6 they get in free also. We checked out the animals, the kids went on a ride and we ate a deep fried snickers bar.


To really fit in our kids put on their best cholo impressions. That night the music on the main stage was Banda El Recodo and Banda Los Recorditos.

We put the kids on a ride.

We checked out the animals.
That bunny is looking at me funny.

Z Wants to be a grand champion turkey.

This lady really loves her hamster. A wasn't allowed to touch it because he had a runny nose. Even if he used the hand sanitizer on the table first.

We did some outdoor activities that they had set up for the kids.

These duck races were just 3 pumps 3 buckets full of water and 3 troughs to race rubber duckys in but it was the kids favorite thing in the whole fair.

We got snow cones.

There was a HUGE storm cloud over to the east of us but it never actually reached the fairgrounds.

We stayed for a while but it was crazy hot and getting towards dinner time. We left.

Other random shots of the fam.

A is not very good at smiling for the camera... yet?

Till next time.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Last days of Summer

    T starts work next week and Z goes to preschool the week after that. I don't start until the end of the month but with the ladies out of commission we spent the last week feeling like the end was close. We tried to come up with fun things to do and ended up at the Oak Park Splash pad one day, saw Turbo one day and went to Travel town one day. I didn't carry a camera to the splash pad or the movie but I got some shots of Travel town.

The weather was good and the kids had a good time. It's been a short but good summer.
but I guess it's pretty much over.