Monday, February 16, 2015

Basketball, Dancing, and Beach Towns.

   As promised last week here are some pictures of Aidens Basketball game. He made 2 baskets. He missed a few more. He cried a bit. We cheered and then consoled and then tried to send him out there. His team only had 5 players show up so him crying on Mommys lap didn't help anything.

He seems to have been traumatized by this beat down and spent the rest of the game crying.

Grandpa grover came up for the game. We cheered. Some kid picked his nose and ate it and another kid vomited all over the court. It was a lot to take in at 8am on a saturday morning.

On Thursday of last week I had the pleasure of attending a Father Daughter Dance with Zoey at her school. I bought slacks and a shirt. We ate tiny portions of food then cake. I tried to dance with Zoey and she looked like she wanted to leave. Eventually she saw her friends, asked if she could ditch me and proceeded to have a great time until I broke in for a slow song, which she wasn't too pleased with. It was fun for her.

On Saturday after the basketball game (sorry for the time jumping but I'm not going to fix it now!) we took grandpa to the rosamond exotic feline breeding center and rescue. Teresa is still taking the classes that require us to travel around to fun places.

This one sings back if you sing to it.
Grandpa went home on Sunday morning and we set out for Ventura to see the Ventura County museum of Art (again for Teresas class)

We walked around downtown Ventura.

Mission San Buenaventura.

Diner lunch.
We ended up at the beach along with the rest of southern California because the weather in crazy nice lately.

Zoey is getting braver.
That is all.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Zoey Awards and Ballet

     Last month Zoey had her first awards ceremony at school. Aiden and I attended to cheer her on only to be told there would be no cheering. I put away my bullhorn and got out my camera.

Teresa getting her class in order for their awards.

Zoey receiving her award from her teacher Mrs. Upah 

Showing off her awards.
We've also signed Zoey up for ballet and Aiden up for basketball through the YMCA. Zoey had her first class on Wednesday. Aiden starts this coming week.

So far she likes it.

We've also been out and about taking hikes in the ridiculously nice weather. We went to a ghost town called Mentryville which was one of the first Oil towns in CA and is now used mostly for movie shoots. While we were there they were filming a movie and firing off blanks. The kids were fascinated.

Aiden picking the M&M's out of the trail mix which is half the reason he likes hikes.

The house on the left is the original Mayors house from the early 1900's. That is where they were filming so this is the closest we could get.

Other structures left from the town.
Teresa with the film shoot.
We've also been taking advantage of the early spring to ride bikes. Aiden wanted Grandpa and Grandma to see that he is big enough for his bike now.

There are still training wheels but he loves to ride it.
I've set a goal for myself to hike at least 200 miles this year so I've been out hiking whenever I can. I've found a few closer locations to take short hikes and yesterday I took a much longer hike. If you're interested in following along I post my hikes on facebook usually. Yesterday I hiked about 15 miles in mostly complete solitude. The hike had many of the things I look for in a good trip, wildflowers, peaks, difficulty, a bit of scrambling and a naked older german fellow who I surprised coming around a bend on my way down the mountain.
From the left, Mt lukens, setting moon, huge white sage bushes and me. 

Rare to find a spring flowing this strong in such a dry year in southern California

That's all for now. I'm sure there will be a post coming with Aidens sure to be epic basketball skills.

Till then-