Monday, December 17, 2012

On and On

   This past week Z started preschool. It's just 2 days a week but I drop her off and she is happy to see me go I think. Given that she has now been exposed to a roomful of new grubsters our family has once again come down with illness. This fall has been a continuous stream of phlegm and hacking sounds in between other bodily fluids.

Here is her picture on the first day of preschool. Note her hair was straightened by mama. You can't tell but it's really long when it's straight.

Best face I could get. She wasn't pooping at the time I swear.

We're doping ourselves up, so I'm sure we'll be over it before we get to virginia for christmas.

We sure are looking forward to seeing ya'll.


Monday, December 10, 2012


   This past weekend we had nothing to do and decided that with such nice weather we should head out on an adventure. We picked the town of Kernville in the the southern end of Sequoia national forest. It's where the Kern river spits out into a reservoir, and during the spring it is a white water mecca. During the winter it's not really a mecca for anything but that's fine with us. We had a few destinations in mind. On the way up we stopped at a classic desert outpost known and Robbers Roost.

It's just a bucket you can throw money in. Not even any water.

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A super classy joint.
We had fun at robbers roost, bought some road treats, "freshened up" and set out for the Kern River Fish Hatchery! Free tours, museums, fish galore family fun!

Yep. CLOSED!!! It didn't say anything about that ANYWHERE! Until we got to the empty parking lot. (which also didn't say anything on any of the signs.) and I walked up to find a locked gate. 2 hour drive and this is the first anyone bothers to tell us?

So, we went back into town. There is a park right along the river that is full of fishermen and has some playground equipment.

The water level was really really low so we walked down to the river and watched some ducks. This might've been the first time our kids had been up close and personal with a river. They were entranced. Then we walked into town where they had a Christmas theme set up in the center square.

But, Santa wasn't there yet. We ate lunch, grabbed some Ice cream and set out back on the road home. The drive was really beautiful. It was still a good day. It's always nice to get out of town for a bit.

Till next time,


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Our kids met Santa (or someone like it).
This memory brought to you with limited commercial interruption.
seriously? can't even tuck in the hair? He's probably 23. Walmart... sigh.
I also put up some amount of Christmas lights. These lights make us the 3rd best house on the block!

there are only 3 houses with lights up.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

In the tradition of my siblings I give you November.

   Thanksgiving happened. We all went down to the OC to visit the Grovers and we had a great time and a great meal. T and I were able to escape to San Diego for a day. The whole trip went great. There are no pictures. I butchered a turkey.
     There was a christmas parade in Lancaster today, we went. There were a bunch of bands and cars. The whole town turned out. There are no pictures.
    Like the classy folks that we are we went to Walmart today to have our kids pictures taken with Santa. They seemed to enjoy both the parade and the ghetto walmart santa. There are no pictures.
   I haven't yet set up the christmas light because; I need to get new strings, the old strings are the kind that are supposed to hang in places and they are a terrible mess to put up, 1/2 the bulbs are out, portions of the strings don't work and they look bad anyways.
   We put up a fake tree. There are pictures of that.

Note the star made of milk carton cardboard and a paper towel tube! colored by those kids.

We sure are looking forward to seeing most of you for Christmas.

Till next time.