Friday, May 13, 2011

On the Move.

My computer has been down recently so this is about 2 weeks old but here you go. The payoff is at the end. I can hear Candice now "56 seconds?!?!?! So LONG?!?!" but it's hard to tell kids when to do things.

He's everywhere now. He's tipping over dog bowls and reaching for power cords and all the fun stuff that come with having a mobile kid. WOOH!

Here is a video of Zs favorite game.



C&C said...

Bam Bam! Jk, i just had no idea what you were talking about when you made that comment on my blog. lay off the haterade brotha, i had no problem with your video! charlotte could stand to have him teach her some of his crawling skills. They have twinner cups!

Kristen said...

WOW! He is really good at using those rolling/crawling skills to get whatever he wants. Good job, A! Wish you were here to teach Afton how to do that. Or even just roll over. That would be nice.
And Z is so cute. I hope the skirt I made her isn't way too big.

k.m.cheney said...

He's got the GI Joe moves down.

Fabulous Featherette said...

We have the cutest and most talented grandchildren! They are growing up too fast.

Gretchen said...

If it were 56 seconds, that would indeed be too long, but it's 55, so I was pleased to watch it. With such rolling skills, he's probably not convinced that crawling is going to improve his mobility all that much.