Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back To Normal

   That essentially means we are back to normal life. Work, dinner, Lancaster, sleep. Not too much to report. Pictures and videos.

Aiden thinks normal is boring.

A little Gary Winogrand and a little William Eggelston

The sunsets have been good. The heat has been bad. Hopefully more will occur, if so you'll find out.



C&C said...

So did his face ever hit the plate? apparently things aren't that boring if he is tired enough to fall asleep while eating.

maynard said...

It's so entertaining to watch poor Aiden konking out at the table. I guess you need to put some tabasco or hot sauce in the food.

Those sunsets look awesome.

Kristen said...

Nice pics.

I love the video. I've always wanted my kids to do that so I could videotape it, but it hasn't happened so far.

SAM!!! said...

His face never hit the plate. I actually forced him to eat a strawberry b/c he wasn't looking so hot then he perked up and ate everything on the plate. but he did take a good nap that day.

Fabulous Featherette said...

I have a photo of you around 2 asleep in the highchair with red jello on your plate! What a cute little Aiden. Looks like the kidlets are having fun outside.