Sunday, July 13, 2008

park city and such

So the rents went to UT for the last week they brought back some pictures that I am sure you will enjoy! First off the beards family whom I have never met b/c they refuse to come and visit. I hear some of them don't like dogs??!?? but anyways here they are.

The person in both pictures is the beards sister. She stole the camera and took a funny picture of herself.

The rents spent a week in a giant cabin with lots of scary looking stuffed or skinned creatures. The beard being a weirdo decided to bring home pictures. He says crazy people have even been known to do this to dogs.
(There's a lot of these since the beard is so weird) For those of you in the know which house would you rather live in; this cabin or the temporary home of K&G?

I guess they finished off the week with a drive into the rockies and a trip to park city. At the beginning of the trip they encountered this crazy place!

As the drive progresses things got a little more scenic.

In park city the rents took silly pictures. Here the beard does his best bear impression.

The sweet smelling lady asked a moose for fashion advice.

Popo and I spent the week hanging out with H-bomb and B-Trouble. They were very nice to us as usual. So until the next exiting post remember to wear deodorant!



C&C said...


Kristen said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is hilarious! And your pictures are very pretty. Of the two houses, I would choose the cabin. The surrounding nature is more my style.