Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break!!! (wah wah)

I'm on spring break this week.
Sam is sick, I'll spare the details b/c dog sick is highly unpleasant.
Z is 10 months old.
My spring break is 60 papers to grade... so far not good. It's amazing that these kids even make it to University level. Por Ejemplo, if an assignment were to say 2-3 pages would you then write a paper that is 1 1/2 pages long? If I asked for a color photo at the end of the paper would you include it? If I asked you to hand in a paper would you STAPLE it? Seriously! who turns in a paper without a staple?
Then I have 60 assignments of 4 shots each all that need to be graded.
All of this makes for a spring break that has thus far been less than stellar. The good news is that in less than a month I'll be soaking up the glow of my super duper family in Florida, Z will get to meet her Aunts, Uncles, and cousins.
I have Easter photos that I will upload eventually. We went down to OC and had a heck of a time.



maynard said...

Grading papers is the pits. Been there, done that.

Looking forward to seeing your family in FL!!!

Kristen said...

College is a joke sometimes. I wish I could go back and try harder b/c then I would rock those classes!
Sorry you have so many papers to grade. That is the pits. We only have a little over 3 weeks until FLORIDA! I can wait to see your fam.

C&C said...

WHAT? I am now determined to figure out how you got that "tell me how awesome i am" there. at least you got a spring break, even if you didn't get to have fun. tomorrow i'm taking half of a sick day because we didn't get one. and i am kind of sick...
tell me about terrible college papers. that's craig's job, too. papers with no paragraphs. or PERIODS. and definitely a lack of staples. FL is gonna be the BOMBBB!