Friday, October 7, 2011


So, we went to the doc. A got 5 shots. They had a free flu clinic so Z and I went and got our flu shots. Now Z and I are sick, A was sick, T is healthy. As for "A"'s stats. He is 95% head Circumference, 50% height, and 12-15% weight. He's skinny. In order to rectify that I am feeding him eggs and cheese and bacon. Or not. The Doc said not to worry about it. The shift to real food all the time usually plateaus the weight gain but it'll come back.


1 comment:

K said...

Beat us, that's fine, but don't tear all our player's pectoral muscles. We've got no one left except Arian, and he's not even 100%.
We'll try to fatten Aiden up when he comes here.